
Core java Ans 1 Assignment

You need to analyze the object and information structure in the given scenario and perform the following tasks:
-> Identify the primary classes and their relationships. The primary classes should model the rooms and room bookings.
-> Create the primary classes with their required fields and methods.

import java.util.*;
class Roomctagory
int RoomCatagoryId;
varchar Name;
varchar Description;
float Tarrif;

class Booking
int BookingId;
varchar CustomerName;
varchar CustomerAddress;
varchar CustomerPhone;
Int RoomId;
Timestamp BookingDateTime;
Timestamp CheckinDate;
Timestamp CheckoutDate;
class Room
int RoomId;
int RoomCatagoryId;
char Status;

class MyClass
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("RoomCatagory, Booking and Room are the three classes.");


Unknown said...

Can you please give the answer for the first part question:
Identify the primary classes and their relationships

Unknown said...

You need to analyze the object and information structure in the given scenario and perform the
following tasks:
Identify the primary classes and their relationships. The primary classes should model the
departments, doctor, and patient.
Create the primary classes with their required fields and methods.

can you give me ans for this question

Unknown said...

After creating the JDBC classes, you need to implement the appointment management module of
the application. To implement this module, you need to perform the following tasks:
Create a class to model the appointment file of the patient. This file contains the details of each
appointment that a patient takes in the clinic.
Create a class that manages the appointments of a patient by implementing the following
For an appointment of a new patient, the class should create and serialize an object representing
the patient's appointment file to the file system in the following directory structure format:
In the preceding format:
: Name of the department of the doctor for which a patient takes an
: The unique patient ID provided to the patient during registration.
For an appointment of a revisiting patient, the class should search the file system for the
appointment file of the patient and add the new appointment details to it.
For querying previous appointments of a patient, the class should search the file system for the
appointment file of the patient and should output the recorded appointment details.

Unknown said...

You need to test and debug the application. You need to use the console to input test data and
verify the outputs based on the requirements of the system. You also need to validate that the
input data conforms to the data format used in the application

Rajesh said...

beta sonu yehi site hai naa

Unknown said...

Thank u bro

Unknown said...

plz give comolete solution on this project

Unknown said...

plz give comolete solution on this project

Unknown said...

gud question tafzeel

Unknown said...

gud question tafzeel

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Phad Premi said...

Identify the primary classes and their relationships. The primary classes should model the courses, trainers, and clients.
Create the primary classes with their required fields and methods.

plz help me friends

Phad Premi said...

1.Implement a class that inserts the client record of a new training into the CLIENT table.
2.Implement a class that inserts the trainer assignment record of a new training into the TRAINER
3.Implement a class that queries the TRAINER, CLIENT, and COURSE tables to retrieve training
records based on client name, trainer name, and course title.

Phad Premi said...

1.Create a class to model a training feedback file that contains the details of the trainings that a trainer imparts.
2.Create a class that manages training feedbacks by implementing the following functions:
(1).For a new trainer, the class should create and serialize an object representing the training
feedback file of the trainer on the file system in the following directory structure format:
In the preceding format:
: Is the name of the course that a trainer delivers.
: Is the unique identifier of a trainer.
2.To add information on training feedback, the class should search the file system for the training feedback file of the trainer, and then add data to it.
3.To query the feedback about a trainer, the class should search the file system for the training feedback file of the trainer and display the recorded feedback details.

Phad Premi said...

1.You need to test and debug the application. You need to use the console to input test data and
verify the outputs based on the requirements of the system. You also need to validate that the
input data conforms to the data format used in the application

Unknown said...

Identify the primary classes and their relationships. The primary classes should model the courses, trainers, and clients.
Create the primary classes with their required fields and methods.

Unknown said...

1.Implement a class that inserts the client record of a new training into the CLIENT table.
2.Implement a class that inserts the trainer assignment record of a new training into the TRAINER
3.Implement a class that queries the TRAINER, CLIENT, and COURSE tables to retrieve training
records based on client name, trainer name, and course title.

Unknown said...

1.Create a class to model a training feedback file that contains the details of the trainings that a trainer imparts.
2.Create a class that manages training feedbacks by implementing the following functions:
(1).For a new trainer, the class should create and serialize an object representing the training
feedback file of the trainer on the file system in the following directory structure format:
In the preceding format:
: Is the name of the course that a trainer delivers.
: Is the unique identifier of a trainer.
2.To add information on training feedback, the class should search the file system for the training feedback file of the trainer, and then add data to it.
3.To query the feedback about a trainer, the class should search the file system for the training feedback file of the trainer and display the recorded feedback details.

Unknown said...

1.You need to test and debug the application. You need to use the console to input test data and
verify the outputs based on the requirements of the system. You also need to validate that the
input data conforms to the data format used in the application

rmouniak said...

Nice airtical it usefull for students
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