
Java Lab04_Ans2

Write a program to store the employee details, such as employee ID, name,designation.
In addition, the employee details should be display when the object of the class is printed.


public class Employee {
public int empID;
Public String empName;
Public String empDesg;
Public String empDept;

public Employee()  {

empID = 2132;
empName = "Kamal Sharma";
empDesg = "Manager";
empDept = "Admin";

public String toString() {
StringBuffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.append("The Employee Details are: \n");
buffer.append("The Employee ID: "+ empID+ "\n");
buffer.append("The Employee Name: "+ empName+"\n");
buffer.append("The Employee Designation: "+ empDesg+"\n");
buffer.append("The Employee Department: "+ empDept+"\n");
return buffer.toString();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Employee oobj = new Employee();

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